let me to introduce myself. My name is Eliska. I was born as a normal healthy girl who likes to laugh, I am very friendly and I like to learn new things.
Unfortunately, during my development, it was discovered that there was something wrong with me. Mom and Dad noticed this, but unfortunately they didn't know exactly what was causing me to not be able to move like other healthy children.
My lady doctor thought I was simply lazy. So she recommended me to practice more and develop my senses more and hopefully I will catch up.
But as it turned out later, I wasn't lazy at all, on the contrary, I tried to fight as hard as I could, but I had an acquired genetic defect in the form of the neurological disease SMA (spinal muscular atrophy), which caused the death of the motor neuron,
which gradually causes the inability to control all the muscles in the body.
Even if the cause was finally discovered, a long time had already passed during which some of these motoneurons had irretrievably disappeared.
Fortunately, as soon as it was possible, I was given a drug called spinrase and then a very effective new drug zolgensma, which prevented the progression of the disease and partly improved the condition.
The period after birth of Elisabeth
The first months were like for any healthy baby. She still had an appetite, slept enough and was always smiling and happy.
She started to get stronger and you could tell it in her arms and she started enjoying her hobbies beautifully.
She was more interested in toys that she reached for with her hands.
It is true that already in the early period she suffered more often from stomach pains, which, as we later found out, was related to a low ability to turn on her side and belly.
Eliška in the nest
As we began to notice that something was wrong
Already from the 6th month, she seemed to us to be less active and not acquiring new motor skills. The movement of her legs was always more passive, but because we
at regular check-ups, the doctor said that everything is fine, but she is just a little lazy and will catch up eventually.
Her efforts to turn onto her side were becoming more and more difficult. She was more weepy in the tummy position and raised her head only with difficulty.
Of course, I informed the doctor that it seems to us that Eliška is not quite well. But she insisted that she was late or lazy and needed more motivation to move.
So Eliška and we started exercising more intensively, on a balloon, mat and went swimming.
Little Eliška in a baby stroller
Eliška on the swing
Eliška at a medical examination
Suspicion of SMA and confirmation
When Eliška did not show any improvement even after intensifying the exercises and after follow-up checks, we were sent to (on our demand)
to a physiotherapist and subsequently to a neurologist for suspected neurological disease.
We were admitted for examination very soon, where they informed us that SMA was suspected. The doctor was very accommodating and did all
the necessary steps to get all the necessary results
were as soon as possible, as he knows that time plays an important role in this disease.
When Eliška was diagnosed with SMA (type 1-2), the darkest moments in our lives began. We didn't know about this disease at all, what it entails,
what the treatment options are and what the prognosis is.
After getting the information, it was perhaps even worse. Fortunately, this was already at a time when there was a 3 kind of treatment.
We were sent to a consultation for the initiation of treatment, where we were also informed about the pitfalls associated with it.
It was in mid-November 2021 when Eliška was supposed to start genetic treatment with Zolgensma. By that time, Eliška was already very weak,
she was just lying down and already starting to have problems with breathing, and we knew that time was running out.
Unfortunately, everything became very complicated, because the mother could not take it all mentally and the treatment could not take place.
So my dad started doing everything to fix it as soon as possible. Everything turned out in such a way that I received my 1st treatment in a different form,
with another of the possible methods of treatment, spinrase injection into the spinal canal.
We were very happy when we managed to do it before Christmas on December 20, 2021, so that the disease would at least slow down and we could have a quieter Christmas.
Finally, I started my genetic treatment on 3/31/2022 after completing all spinrase doses.
Eliška on the application of gene therapy
Eliška on the application of gene therapy
Eliška on the application of gene therapy
Eliška in the Motol hospital
Eliška in the Motol hospital
Eliška in the Motol hospital
Regrets and what will happens next
After calming down the situation by starting treatment and running into constant exercise and finding out possible procedures and methods
to improve the condition, an avalanche of regrets began to fall on us.
They were constantly returning events, memories and clues that we might not have seen, they explained why we didn't do this and that, so that
We would have found out about this disease earlier.
Thus, by stopping the progression of the disease in time, we would perhaps save many functional motoneurons. A single visit to an experienced
neurologist would be enough, and Eliška could be better off.
It is very good that postpartum screening for the detection of this genetic disease is already in place nowadays, because only timely detection of this disease and treatment can bring
salvation, a better prognosis for the future, albeit with possible risks.
Eliška and her first wheelchair
Eliška in the verticalizing stand
Eliška in the hospital for monitoring
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The mission of the general benefit company Život dětem is to help sick, disabled and abandoned children throughout the Czech Republic,
who find themselves in a difficult life situation and need professional help and support from their surroundings.
Thank you very much that you are not indifferent to Eliška and are thinking about how to help her.
Michal and Antonina, Eliška's parents.
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