How can you help

New transparent bank account is in progress

Transparent account (in the field variable symbol please enter 5353)

The account is maintained at Raiffeisenbank a.s

QR code

QR code for transparent account

The collection is organized by,
Život dětem, o.p.s.

Koclířova 771

198 00 Praha 9 – Kyje

The mission of the general benefit company Život dětem is to help sick, disabled and abandoned children throughout the Czech Republic, who find themselves in a difficult life situation and need professional help and support from their surroundings.

To confirm your donation, please fill out the online form found here: Formulář o poskytnutí daru

Thank you very much that you are not indifferent to Eliška and are thinking about how to help her.

Michal and Antonina, Eliška's parents.